Exciting Times!

So, after all the time writing, editing, re-editing and signing off, my book was finally published on 16th December and it’s an amazing feeling to see my characters and story come to life in print.

Although fictional, Mabel Murphy was based on several older women whom I looked after in the late 70’s/early 80’s and who should never have been institutionalised simply for having an illegitimate child. Lives totally destroyed by the judgemental and harsh consequences of the time. Many of these women developed mental health issues due to the trauma of having their child taken from them and then to be locked up and classed as “morally defective”
I remember one gentle lady who was in a London hospital where I worked in the late 80s. Every day she would approach and say “Any news on my son?” Who was taken from her by the authorities, 50yrs before. It was heartbreaking to see her relentless pain and be powerless to help in any way.
I created Mabel Murphy as a homage to these women who have been airbrushed out of our national history despite the trauma and devastation which was forced upon them. Although very sad, I have tried to induce the love and humour which many of these women relied on for survival in such a brutal system. I hope that you enjoy Mabel’s story.

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